The Bou Ferrer is a shipwreck on the coast of Villajoyosa. This merchant built in Naples came to Bética for a shipment of amphorae of fish sauces and lead ingots from Sierra Morena. The commission was for Emperor Nero, so it was going to Rome, but it was shipwrecked near Allon, the Roman city of Villajoyosa in the 1st century AD. After years of underwater archeology campaigns and treatment of the pieces, this exhibition shows the most interesting findings.
Guided tours
To learn more about the history of this exceptional find, we recommend you book a guided tour. Here we will learn more about the ship, its cargo and the route it took. We will also visit the amphorae storehouse and the underwater archaeology workshop to explain the process of desalination and restoration of all the material that comes from the bottom of the sea.
Tours without reservation for individuals and groups of less than 10 people: Tuesday to Saturday at 11.30 a.m.
Information and reservations for other times and groups:
609771110 - 966 508 355
Price: 1,50 €.