Banners, drawings, objetcs used during the pandemic...they will be museum pieces in Vilamuseu

Since the confinement has begun as a result of the pandemic of Covid-19 in March, Vilamuseu, together with the Municipal Archive of la Vila Joiosa, has carried out different campaigns to document this historical situation that we are going through and giving testimony to the Vila of the future of how its inhabitants coped with this situation from home.

On the occasion of the Day of Monuments and Places on April 18th, we asked you to share which were the #lugaresdemivila, those places in the Vila that you missed the most.

In the campaign of applause on April 25th, we received 262 videos. Some of the streets of la Vila Joiosa can be walked through with the applause of our neighbours. In addition, we could see DJs on terraces, people dancing at home, playing an instrument on the balcony, even soap bubbles flooded the streets of our municipality every evening at 8pm.

Now that we are in full de-escalation and the confinement and routines have been left a little behind, we ask you for your collaboration to collect some of the most significant things about your confinement: banners, drawings, hand-sewn masks when there were no supplies, products that were quickly running out like the baking powder boxes that you got like a miracle, posters that you put in your commercial establishment… All of this will be joined to other objects that we have already collected such as medical supplies, alcohol and alcoholic gel or masks.

We would also like to have a digital record of home videos, photos that describe the situation, others doing "daily activities" of those days ... Anything that you think that would bring you memories years from now about how you have lived the confinement.

You must bring the items in a closed plastic bag (preferably transparent) that also contains the donor information: name, ID number, address, telephone and email. You have to bring it during museum opening hours. After a quarantine of 15 days of the pieces, Vilamuseu will contact you for the deposit certificate.

The digital files will be sent to the e-mail address, with the same data as the bags of objects. Personal data will be processed in accordance with current legislation.