La necrópolis de Les Casetes (Villajoyosa, Alicante). Un material fenicio inédito: los huevos de avestruz

22 Sep

Diego Ruiz Alcalde, María José Velázquez Pascual y Hélène Le Meaux: La necrópolis de Les Casetes (Villajoyosa, Alicante). en Celestino Pérez, S.; Rodríguez González, E. (Eds.) 2020: Un viaje entre el Oriente y el Occidente del Mediterráneo. Actas del IX Congreso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos, Mytra 5, Mérida. 

In this article we present the material of tombs of the orientalizing period excavated in 2015 in the necropolis of Les Casetes in Villajoyosa (Alicante). Even if all the funeral material is important, with a lot of ceramics and jewels, we have chosen to insist on the discovery of three ostrich eggs in the tombs 445, 503 y 466. Two of these eggs shells are decorated with the methods used in all the Mediterranean area during the 7 and 6th centuries B.C.: the painting and the low relief. We explain the interesting process of their restoration and we open the reflexion about their styles.

(Article in Spanish).

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