
At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the people of Scandinavia launched a campaign to help the Frente Popular. People rallied around the cause and gathered money to send, mainly, food and medicines to Spain. But the collaboration went beyond that and the Alcoy Swedish/Norwegian Hospital was established to tend to injured soldiers.

After the bombing of Alcoy by the Italian Airforce the hospital was evacuated and the interns with Doctor Bastos at the head were transferred to La Vila Joiosa; from June 1938 a blood hospital was established in the Grupo Escolar Doctor Álvaro Esquerdo, the current site of Vilamuseu.

In this sample, Antoni Miró gathers snapshots of this act of solidarity from the Scandinavian people, not only from the hospital and its staff but also the harshness of war as much for the civil population as for the soldiers. The strength and colour of the images cannot leave the onlooker indifferent.