Presentation of the monograph about the Bou Ferrer shipwreck

The City Council, the Regional Ministry, the University of Alicante and the Nautical Club present a monograph on the Bou Ferrer Wreck in La Vila Joiosa that compiles the results of the research, conservation actions and the dissemination, socialisation and communication measures carried out on the underwater archaeological site during the period 2012-2019.
 Different institutions and entities have participated in the project, such as the Generalitat Valenciana, through the Conselleria de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, represented by José Antonio López Mira, head of the territorial service of Culture and Sport; the Town Council of La Vila Joiosa, represented by the mayor, Andreu Verdú; the General Foundation of the University of Alicante, represented by its director, Lucía Gomis; and the Club Náutico de la Vila Joiosa, represented by its president, José Antonio Chapa. These four institutions are part of the Shipwrek Bou Ferrer project.
The book is a 352-page edition published by LLig - Llibreries de la Generalitat Valenciana. It is illustrated with a large number of high quality photographs that allow us to know the history of the ship and its discovery, as well as the research and management process that led to its recognition in 2017 by UNESCO as one of the first 7 places in its new World Register of Best Practices in Underwater Cultural Heritage.
The institutional presentation gave way to the technical presentation, in which the scientific editors, archaeologists Carlos de Juan, Franca Cibecchini, Antonio Espinosa and José Antonio Moya, were present.
José Antonio López Mira gave this book as an example of what future editions of archaeological projects in the Valencian Community should be, as it devotes an important part to the socialisation of the site, the Communication Plan or the protection and conservation work, in which all the speakers highlighted the role of the State security forces, and especially the Underwater Activities Specialist Groups (GEAS) of the Alicante Civil Guard Command.
The Mayor of La Vila Joiosa, Andreu Verdú, highlighted the commitment of the Town Council to the project, "providing itself with model warehouses and the most complete underwater restoration laboratory in the Valencian Community", and emphasised "the scientific, cultural and touristic importance" of the site and its exhibition in the Vilamuseu.
All the members of the institutional table praised the great coordination that has existed for two decades between the members of the project, the results of which are reflected in the book; and the collaboration of many people and entities, such as the Vilamuseu volunteers or the Centre of Underwater Archaeology of Catalonia. They also expressed their intention to continue with the project, which is at a crucial point in its research. A new project is currently being prepared, which, like the one implemented in 2002, will be a pioneer in this type of site.
The book can be downloaded online from the Observatori Valencià de la Cultura,, as well as from the Bou Ferrer project website and the Vilamuseu website