Presentation of "Papers de la Vila, crónicas históricas de los siglos XVII al XX"

Last 16 November was presented in Vilamuseu ‘Papers de La Vila, crónicas históricas de los siglos XVII a XX’ by José Payá Nicolau, that has been published in CD format. 

The event, which brought together around a hundred people, counted on the presence of Albert Alcaraz, from the Municipal Archive of La Vila Joiosa, who has written the prologue of the book; Agustín Galiana, president of the Associació d’Estudis de la Marina Baixa (AEMABA), entity that has edited the CD in collaboration with the local government of La Vila Joiosa, which was represented by its Councillor of Historical Heritage and Culture, Mª Ángeles Gualde.

This CD gathers more tan 500 chronicles and more than 700 pages drafted for years and based on documents from the municipal archive. Albert Alcaraz highlighted the merit of José Payá “who has been able to tell the story and the relations between the social clases of the past centuries through everyday occurrences”. 

As for the president of AEMABA, Agustín Galiana, he emphasized that the publication of the book in CD format allows to “democratize its cost, of only 5 euros, and facilitate the work to researchers, since it is electronic text and they can carry out searches on it”. 

“Thanks to the work of José Payá and the collaboration of AEMABA, we have at our disposal a large part of the history of our city. It is a copy that all vileros should have to better understand our past and our present” said Mª Ángeles Gualde, Councillor of Historical Heritage and Culture.