Get to know an exceptional project at first hand. The shipwreck, Bou
Ferrer, is the best Roman ship, in the process of being excavated, in the
It was taking a cargo of fish sauces and lead ingots to Rome but it sank off the Villajoyosa coast. Do you want to know what happened?
Opening times:
In English on Wednesday to 10.
In Spanish on tuesday to 11 am , thursday to 7pm and Saturday to 1 pm
It is possible to arrange other timesand dates by prior reservation.
Groups: Prior reservation is essential.
Price: 1.50 € in addition to the general admission price
Information and reservation:
609 771 110 - 966 508 355
You can choose this exhibition for a guided tour within our "à la carte" visit program.
You can check the schedules here.