We present the first escape room of Vilamuseu...
The Tresors de la Vila Joiosa exhibition is full of exceptional archaeological pieces and many clues that will help you in this challenge that we propose to you. It won't be easy, we warn you, but we are sure that with…
Conoce través de esta exposición las fiestas de Moros y Cristianos de La Vila Joiosa, unas fiestas de “interés turístico internacional”, que tienen como origen los ataques de piratas berberiscos entre los siglos XVI y XVIII y constituyen un patrimonio inmaterial de máximo interés.
El título de la exposición es…
Snake in Vilamuseu.
For one day we let you do it.
What's more, we'll sneak in with you.
We'll go into the storerooms and laboratories so that the technicians can tell us what they are doing. There are many projects underway, but we want to sneak into the work…