31 Oct
A Roman quarry appears in the archaeological excavation of the Roman villa site in Barberes Sur
The Roman villa of Barberes Sud, in Villajoyosa, hid underneath another curious archaeological site that has been a headache for archaeologists for years. Excavations carried out between 2009 and 2012…
Way of Saint James - Camí del Peix
Villajoyosa was the beginning, documented from at least the eighteenth century, of one of the historic routes that formed the network of the Camino de Santiago. More info and the Wikiloc…
Historic re-enactment is a way of giving life to the past in the most trustworthy way possible, using original dress and various objects made with original materials; in the same…
Bou Ferrer shipwreck
You can download the Dossier for divers of the 2018 tours to the wreck here: The project is promoted by the Valencian Government Council for Education, Culture and Sport which…
Treasures of La Vila Joiosa
Follow in the footsteps that the Mediterranean cultures have left from more than 3000 years ago. Vila Joiosa was an important enclave in Iberian times with commercial exchanges with other…
The Bou Ferrer shipwreck. An extraordinary archaeological site
The Bou Ferrer is a shipwreck on the coast of Villajoyosa. This merchant built in Naples came to Bética for a shipment of amphorae of fish sauces and lead ingots…
La caja de Nabet. Escape room
We present the first escape room of Vilamuseu... The Tresors de la Vila Joiosa exhibition is full of exceptional archaeological pieces and many clues that will help you in…
Música, pólvora i desembarc
Conoce través de esta exposición las fiestas de Moros y Cristianos de La Vila Joiosa, unas fiestas de “interés turístico internacional”, que tienen como origen los ataques de piratas berberiscos…
I have never, ever... sneaked into a museum...
Snake in Vilamuseu. For one day we let you do it. What's more, we'll sneak in with you. We'll go into the storerooms and laboratories so that the technicians…
Fear and silk. The watchtowers of the coast
Fear and silk. The watchtowers of the coast is an exhibition produced by the Cátedra Demetrio Ribes, a centre of the Universitat de València that has been promoting research and…