Equality and Historical Heritage promote the workshop 'Tales of our grandmothers'

The municipal Departments of Equality and Historical Heritage promote 'Tales of our Grandmothers', a forum for discussion and recovery of women's history

The Departments of Equality and Historical Heritage of the City Council of Villajoyosa organize a workshop called 'Relats de iaies’ —Tales of our grandmothers—, a women's action space for the recovery of individual and collective historical memory. Older women "who have a lot to tell us, or women who are no longer alive but whose stories still survive in the collective memory of friends and family", explained Councilor for Equality and Citizen Participation, Pilar Baigorri.

The workshop, which will be held next June 7 and 14 in Vilamuseu, is coordinated by social journalist Lorena Escandell. Escandell explains that the workshop intends to reach "an apprenticeship of who they are and what they have been and their impact, very important, in the evolution of Villajoyosa". Initially two sessions will take place but, depending on the success of the proposal, "the number of actions related to the project will be extended," Baigorri said.

The narration of these life stories will be useful to document practices, processes and spaces of women, traditionally relegated to the background, and to create a specialized documentary and graphic archive that facilitates the reconstruction of the history of women in Villajoyosa, empower them and offer references and possibilities to new generations.